The Days of our Internet Lives: Do you ever disconnect?

Do you ever feel like your computer is an extension of yourself?  I don’t mean an outlet for your creativity or thoughts.  I mean a physical extension of you – like it is one of your extremities.  I mean an “oh look, her hand has fused with her keyboard” type of extension.


Dilbert via NotCot

Do you ever feel like you have to be wired in constantly because you might miss something?  Like you might go crazy if you can’t check your email?  Facebook?  Twitter?  Your blog?  Your RSS feeds?

Have you ever gone on a vacation and packed your computer and/or smartphone and/or IPAD with you just so you maintain that access?

Image via Skool of Lifology

Yeah.  I have.

I am one of those people who at the very least has my iphone with me at all times.  I incessantly check my emails, both work and personal, even if I am on vacation.  I have to at least have the option available to me to plug into Facebook, twitter and the like.  I may not do it, but I have to know I can!  I live on my PC at work, and I spend way too much time on it at home.  It’s only gotten worse since I began blogging and engaging in the community – now there is SO MUCH MORE to miss!

Which is why I have decided to completely disconnect this weekend.   (Actually, as soon as I post this because I have tomorrow OFF! YAY!) I don’t do this often, but sometimes it is necessary.  No PC for me.  No internet on my iphone – calls only.  By default, this also means no blogging.  I’ll be back Monday.

In the meantime, I just wanted to share a few quotes that inspire me and occasionally help me refocus when I need to.  Like now.

Image via What to Wear

Image via Killlion Fashion (NSFW)

Image via Helder Luis

Image via Life of a Busy Wife

Image via English Baby

Image via thopics

Image via warmenhoven & venderbos

Image via Wall Flowers and More

Image via CSI Seattle

Image via Vacuum the Void

Have a great weekend everyone, and if you have a moment, I’d love to know what inspires you when you need to refocus!

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  • Charee Lenee' December 29, 2010, 1:53 PM

    Great quotes!! I love them all!! 🙂

  • Bonita Vear December 28, 2010, 10:12 AM

    Oh, I love this post ~ it’s really hit home! I think I have spent one day {or maybe a few more} off the internet this year and that was Christmas! I have probably touched my computer at least the same amount, if not more… This is definitely a case of keyboard+hand=fused. Help! I am a cyborg!

    I think my new year resolutions will involve something about limiting internet time and/or cutting it off once or twice a week at least… I have been dallying with the idea, but now I can’t but help to think it’s necessary. Thank you. ^ w ^

    bonita of Depict This!

    P.S. ~ Am following your blog now. : )

  • Ashe Mischief December 23, 2010, 10:55 PM

    One of my “blog” resolutions for the upcoming year is to disconnect more! I feel that it’s doing me absolutely no good to stay connected 24/7. It’s really just made blogging a whole lot more stressful for me, and has taken a lot of the enjoyment out of it… it’s so not healthy for me to keep gmail/twitter/facebook open ALL day. In fact, I feel anxiety when I’m not checking them every 5 minutes… that’s no way to live life!

  • polka dot December 20, 2010, 9:24 PM

    Brilliant post. I love these quotes and the way you’ve assembled them (visually). It’s perfect timing because we’re only going away for 5 days – AND we’re bringing the cat which would usually make me feel weird (leaving him home) but it hit me that I won’t have internet access (except on my in-law’s computer: I can’t get my laptop to work at their house) and my phone ate my text folder last summer.. I purposely don’t have anything sent to my phone, no emails or twitter, so I’m going to be without all communication for 5 days. And I swear – I started actually getting separation anxiety! Not from real people – but from my virtual world.

    What helps me connect? Swimming, actually. When I swim I feel in touch with what really matters. Simple things, like breathing.

  • kristy eléna December 19, 2010, 5:50 PM


    yes. yes i am addicted to the internet. HOWEVER, i do not have a smartphone. in italy, you can’t get a real phone with a plan that receives internet until you have your residency card, and that will take years. so my cell is pay-as-you-go, it gets no internet. i prefer this.

    i’m already addicted enough. i can barely watch a movie without my laptop on my lap so i can blog at the same time. there’s always SOMEthing to do, and because i am so engaged and interested in the blogging community, i just need to do it.

    but i do disconnect at times. and i’m pretty good about not staying too connected on vacation. i’m glad you’re disconnecting this weekend. you deserve some time away!

    p.s. i love the dilbert cartoon. =P

    Full Time Fabulous – Kristy
    twitter: @kristyelena
    my latest post: the ULTIMATE Sunglass Hut Gift Guide

  • Grit and Glamour December 17, 2010, 3:39 PM

    I totally answered yes to all of the above. I’m SICK obsessed with my iPhone too. I could have written this post! Good for you for disconnecting. It’s good to do it every so often. We really won’t die. It sure feels like it, though.

    ♥ V
    twitter: @gritandglamour

  • A Brit Greek December 17, 2010, 10:05 AM

    B, ever since I started blogging properly in April this year, I also have this incessant need to keep checking the net like ALL the time to see who’s posted what/commented…But now, i take a break ever now and again. Whilst I still reading blogs on my phone too every now and then, I don’t necessarily comment on every single post I read.

    I am so feeling these quotes/words of wisdom… I hope you have a fabulous ‘time out’ weekend!

    See you soon beautiful.

  • Casee Marie December 17, 2010, 7:02 AM

    I feel like I’ve done nothing BUT disconnect lately. I think it started with a unprovoked shake of confidence and lack of ideas, but somehow I went the entire last week without blogging – and even before then I was only a day or two a week. It happens, but it’s never happened quite to that extent for me. Right now I seem to be looking beyond the holidays and I’m finding inspiration in the new year, a fresh start. It’s making me feel a bit optimistic. I’m totally ignoring the fact that December has halfway flown past me without anything being achieved…

    I love the quotes you chose – a few of my favorites are in there as well. Another I love: “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” – Charlie Chaplin.

    P.S. Thank you so much for linking to that Lula issue on my K.Dunst post for SHE! I’d seen her shoot but I didn’t know the Mulleavy sisters were guest editors. Now I really want a copy of that one. (Why are all the great magazines so hard to get in the States?) Anyway, I hope you enjoy your disconnecting time. I do it once in a while and I always manage to somehow feel a bit rebellious. What that says about the level of adventure in my life…I’d rather not dwell on that.
